Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How to Decline a Job Offer You Already Accepted

How to Decline a Job Offer You Already Accepted How to Decline a Job Offer You Already Accepted What should you do if you  accept a new job, but then you change your mind? This  situation  can  happen for a number of reasons. After youve thought about it some more, the position might not seem as good as it did when you accepted the offer. Perhaps a family emergency has changed your situation, or you have gotten a dream job opportunity that you just cant turn down. When You Can Rescind a Job Offer Acceptance Turning down a job offer  after you have already accepted it can be an uncomfortable experience. However, as long as you have not signed  an  employment contract  with the company, you are legally allowed to change your mind. And depending on the contract, you might still be able to turn down the job without any legal consequences. By turning the job down quickly and politely, you (hopefully) can maintain a positive relationship with the employer. Its better to decline the  offer  than it is to take it and quit shortly after. Its more expensive for the company to onboard you, then start over with a new job search.You also  may have to explain  why you quit a job you just started  during subsequent  interviews. How to Turn Down a Job Offer You Accepted Think it through.  Before rejecting the job offer, make sure you are 100% certain you do not want (or cannot take) the job. Once you turn down a job you previously accepted, there is no going back. Therefore, think carefully about the pros and cons of rejecting the job. Read your contract.  If you have already signed a  contract, read through it carefully to make sure there will be no legal repercussions to you rejecting the job. For example, some contracts say that you have a certain window of time during which you can reject the job, or that you have to give a certain number of days’ notice. Check with a lawyer or employment expert just to make sure there will be no legal consequences for rejecting the job. Dont wait.  Let the employer know  as soon as you realize  you no longer want to accept it. The sooner you let the hiring manager know, the sooner the employer can start looking for your replacement. He or she will appreciate your swift communication. Be honest but tactful.  Let the employer know why you changed your mind, but do so without insulting him or her, or the company. If you realized that you dont think  you will get along with the other employees, simply say that you do not think you would fit in with the  company culture. If you found a job that you are much more interested in, explain that you were offered a job that is more in line with your  skill set. Do not say anything negative about the employer or the company. Be concise.  No matter your reason for rejecting the job, keep your explanation brief. You do not want to go into all the details of your family emergency, or all the reasons why another job is a great fit for you. Express gratitude.  Be sure to thank the employer for the opportunity to meet and to learn about the company. If there was anything in particular you liked about the employer or company, say so. Explain that turning down the job was a hard decision. You do not want to burn bridges with the employer- you never know if you might want to work with them in the future. Know your bottom line.  The employer might try to negotiate with you to get you to come on board. Before speaking with the hiring manager, decide what your bottom line is. Would you stay for more pay? Better benefits? There are some  benefits and perks that are negotiable. If you do opt to negotiate, know what would entice you to accept. Keep in mind that the hiring manager may not be thrilled that you want to  counter offer  after you already said Yes to the first offer. Choose the right form of communication.  Speaking with the employer directly (either on the phone or in person) is the best strategy, because it allows you to explain yourself more clearly and increases your chances of maintaining a positive relationship with him  or  her. You should then follow up the conversation with a letter or email confirming your conversation. A conversation in person or over the phone is the best way to personally explain and apologize. If you are nervous about speaking with the employer directly, or if you are worried you will not be able to fully explain yourself over the phone, you can send a formal letter or email message to him  or  her. Learn from this.  In the future, try to avoid situations where you accept and then reject a job. For example, for your next job offer, you can ask an employer for more time to decide. You might also work on your  negotiating skills  if you felt you did not get the salary or benefits you wanted. Try not to let your excitement about a job offer cloud your judgment when youre evaluating future roles. Think carefully about the  pros and cons of any job offer, negotiate a contract you are satisfied with, and then say Yes (or No) to the job. Sample Letter Turning Down a Job Offer After Accepting   Francesa Lau123 Walnut Dr.Barrington, IL 60011September 1, 2018Melissa PetersonFinancial ManagerABC Financial Group456 South St.Chicago, IL 60612Dear Ms. Peterson,Thank you so much for offering me the position of Financial Analyst at the ABC Financial Group. It has been a pleasure speaking with you and learning more about your company.Unfortunately, after giving a great deal of thought to this career opportunity, I have decided that it is in my best interest, as well as the company’s, to turn down your gracious job offer.I have recently decided to accept another position that I believe is a better fit for my abilities and skill set. I am so sorry for any inconvenience my decision may cause.I continue to be impressed with ABC Financial Group’s role in the international marketplace, and particularly with the great work you have done as manager of the company’s Midwest branch.I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. I hope to see you at the upcoming Financial Management C onference in October.Sincerely,Francesa Lau (signature hard copy)Francesa Lau Expand The Bottom Line Check the Legal Implications: If youve signed an employment agreement, check the details before you withdraw your acceptance.Talk to the Employer: If you can, its better to have a conversation in person to explain why you have decided not to take the job.Express Your Gratitude: Regardless of why you have changed your mind, let the company know that you appreciate the offer.

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