Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Resume Writing Service - Budget Friendly And Effective

Resume Writing Service - Budget Friendly And EffectiveRecruiters and employers don't mind when job applicants resort to inexpensive resume writing service in order to generate the desired attention. For this reason, many job seekers consider utilizing a resume service in order to provide them an idea of the things they should be aware of in a proper manner. Resume writing services can give you the opportunity to make a decent impression in your prospective employer and the first impression made in the job application process is of crucial importance.This is why you have to pay extra money in order to get the professional writing done by professionals. One important thing you should keep in mind while engaging in resume writing services is that you need to find the best one that can give you the desired results.However, for this purpose, you should do some research on the internet and understand the kind of resume you need in order to impress the employer. There are a large number of professionals who provide various kinds of services. You should try to look for the services offered by a reliable resume writer.Make sure that you get a professional writing about resume writing services in order to get the idea about their working style and what kind of message they want to communicate to the prospective employer. By getting an idea about the expectations that the writer should convey, you can negotiate with the writer and see how much the fee is. Paying the fee upfront is also good idea as it will give you an opportunity to get a more relaxed working environment and from there you can start thinking about other services.One effective way of dealing with a professional writer is to engage them without paying the fee upfront. There are websites where you can find out the available writers and compare the quotes. In addition, you can also hire people who work from home and deal with clients by email.These websites are very useful as they offer many services from res ume writing to editing and formatting and other online service. This way, you will not have to pay any fee at all and only spend time doing something that is very beneficial for you. Thus, it is always better to avail of the best services that can give you the desired results for an affordable price.Resume writing is not just about producing a good resume but it is also a simple way of making a business impact. Thus, you should find the best resume service provider to make sure that you get the best writing service in order to impress your employer.

How to Write a Resume For a Government Job Posting

How to Write a Resume For a Government Job PostingWriting a resume for a government job posting is easy. A lot of people want to get out of the government job market because they are not happy with their pay.One of the reasons is that there are not enough government jobs available. The other reason is that the people who are applying for jobs do not have much experience in government jobs. Unfortunately, they have been unemployed for too long.There are many things you can do to increase your chances of getting the job. First, you need to identify your skills. You might think that because you have a degree or certifications that you don't have to do any special training. The truth is that you must have a combination of knowledge and practical experience.You will need to have some practical experience, either in your previous job or at a college. The more experience you have the better. Do you have experience that relates to the type of position you are applying for? If you are looking for an administrative position, do you have any experience at any type of department or agency?Sometimes, you need to have at least a high school diploma or even a GED because physical capabilities of a candidate is a very important part of a resume. People will judge you based on how well you look and how well you do your job. You may have many years of experience, but your looks will make it hard for you to get a job. How well do you carry yourself?Once you have accomplished all of your skills and have some experience, you can use it to put together a resume that will highlight your life experience and your most important qualities. You should do this in your resume as an intro paragraph. It will be filled with examples of your most important work experiences.Employers look for resumes with strong content, not just titles. Your resume will get better results if you know what the company needs.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Leaving Work for Vacation Follow This 10-Point Checklist

Leaving Work for Vacation Follow This 10-Point Checklist You worked hard to earn that paid time off, so take it. Follow these steps before, during, and after your break to ensure a relaxing trip and easy reentry. You need a vacation. Your brain needs a vacation. Research shows that downtime makes you more productive, less prone to burnout, and a happier, healthier employee, says economist Caroline Webb, author of How to Have a Good Day ($16; amazon.com). “People who take vacations are more effective on their return and more likely to receive promotions and raises,” she adds. Yet 52 percent of Americans don’t use all their vacation days, according to research from the U.S. Travel Association. The top reasons cited: They fear they’ll look replaceable and feel uncomfortable relying on colleagues. Here’s how to avoid that trap and actually enjoy your time away. 1. Ask for time off ASAP. The early bird gets first choice of dates. Plus, having ample time to plan for being away lets you be more strategic about delegating and organizing your work. One idea to boost vacation camaraderie: Choose your days collectively. This gives managers the chance to encourage taking vacation and covering for one another in the office. “There should be no grumbling when someone asks to take a vacation,” says Laura Vanderkam, author of Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done ($15; amazon.com). Ask, “How do we split up the year so there’s always coverage? When are the busiest times of the year? When are school breaks and holidays? Who shouldn’t be out of the office at the same time?” 2. Choose your backup team. With your manager, decide who should cover for you while you’re gone. Assign one point person and enlist several colleagues to take on various tasks. If you run the department, look at this as an opportunity to empower people to try out new skills or train them in aspects of your job, says Vanderkam. It’s also a great trial for someone you’re considering promoting. Tap those who have been asking for additional responsibility and avoid those who might be already swamped with other projects. 3. Share your vacation schedule. A month ahead, tell your clients, vendors, and key colleagues when you’ll be gone. “Don’t try to hide your vacation time,” says Webb. Being clear about it lets everyone make a plan that minimizes stressful uncertainty. Send them a note with your vacation dates and coverage plan and ask, “What do we need to get done before then? What can we push until I’m back?” 4. Prioritize your to-dos. Automate what you can. You can schedule blog posts, client newsletters, and even emails. Then make a list of what you must accomplish before you leave. Kate Northrup, author of Do Less ($17; amazon.com), suggests asking yourself three questions. First: Does this need to be done at all? This can help you realize what is truly essential, she says. Second: Does this need to be done by me? If the answer is no, who can you ask to do it? “We tend to overestimate how much time we have and underestimate the other players in our lives,” says Northrup. Third: Does this need to be done now, or can it wait until I’m back? Skip or delegate anything that doesn’t make the cut and tell your boss and your team the tasks you will finish before you go. 5. Prepare your backups. A week before your vacation, review with your backup team a detailed list of big projects and everyday tasks that will require input or execution. Store any necessary files in a central and accessible location, like Google Drive or Dropbox, says Laurie Palau, an organizational coach and the author of Hot Mess: A Practical Guide to Getting Organized ($15; amazon.com). Show your backups the ropesâ€"bring them to important meetings and introduce them to clients or colleagues they will work with on your behalf. 6. Write an out-of-office message. Don’t skip this task. Keep your autoreply short and to the point: Mention what days you’ll be gone and the person to email with inquiries. (You don’t have to be clever. “I don’t need to know that you’re ‘finally taking a much-needed vacation,’” says Vanderkam.) If there are questions you’re constantly asked over emailâ€"for example, “How do I apply for a grant?”â€"include links to web pages with answers or create an FAQ document. Anything you can do to stave off excessive emails will make for a smoother transition later. 7. Create rules for working while on vacation. While there are many benefits to completely unplugging, it’s not always realistic. Maybe your goal is to be present with your travel companions yet accessible for short windows. What will work best for your vacation? If your teens sleep in, you could check email every morning for 30 minutes. If you’re on a road trip, you might field calls during one long stretch of driving time. Before you leave, establish with your team how and when you will check in and what you want updates on. Be as specific as possible: What should they do if something goes wrong? When should they touch base? “If you set clear boundaries, people will organize around them,” says Northrup. Stick to your rulesâ€"when that window of time is up, stop working. “That will keep your family or travel companions from being unhappy and your team from feeling like you’re micromanaging from vacation,” says Vanderkam. 8. Pack a notebook. When your brain takes a break from work and constant decision-making, it processes and consolidates all the information you’ve received and begins to make connections, says Webb: “When you ‘sleep on’ something, you feel calmer and more capable of tackling a problem. Multiply that by five days and you can see how you’ll come back with a fresh approach and new motivation.” You’re likely to gain insight or uncover valuable ideas while you’re away. Have a notebook or journal with you to capture your thoughts so you can refer to them when you return. 9. Build in a buffer. If you have control over your calendar, avoid scheduling a block of meetings on your first day back. And though your inbox will be beckoning you, don’t try to catch up on email immediately. “It’s more efficient to talk to everyone you work with, either in person or on the phone, and ask them, ‘What did I miss? What needs my attention first?’” says Vanderkam. If someone has emailed you something urgent, chances are they will follow up with you. 10. Tame the email avalanche. After you’ve settled back in, tackle your inbox. Sort your emails so you first read those from VIP senders: your boss, a top client, and so on. Then sort by date received. Do a quick pass for emails that require a response so you have a clear to-do list; archive any you’ve been cc’d on. Next, batch-delete any promotions, newsletters, and junk mail (sorting by sender quickens this process). And finally, take it easy on yourself. Will answering an email tomorrow rather than today jeopardize your career? “We create a lot of drama and anxiety about having unchecked to-do items or unread emails,” says Northrup, “but you need to become comfortable with the fact that there will never be some day in the future when you get to every item.” Take it slow, pin up a souvenir, and savor your vacation glow.

Paula Cannys Fight to End Predatory Pricing of Tampons in California Jails

Paula Canny's Fight to End Predatory Pricing of Tampons in California Jails In February 2018, attorney Paula Canny was meeting a new client at the San Mateo County Jail. Christine Kolba, 41, had been arrested and charged with a nonviolent crimeâ€"her first time entering the criminal justice system. As soon as the two women sat down together, Kolba became emotionalâ€"but not for the reasons Canny expected. “I’m like, ‘Are you okay?’” Canny says now, retelling the story eight months later at her office in Burlingame, California, just south of San Francisco. Kolba was not; she had her period, she said, and jail personnel would not issue her tamponsâ€"only sanitary napkins. But upon arriving at the jail, all of her clothing had been confiscated (per standard procedure), and she was wearing paper underwear that was far too large. “She’s like, ‘These underpants don’t keep the pad on,’” says Canny, “‘so I’ve got blood coming down my leg.’” Canny took action. She arranged to have tampons provided to Kolba, then made a few phone calls to her personal contacts within the jail system. After two days, she’d convinced the sheriffâ€"who has authority over policies such as distribution of hygiene productsâ€"to offer women free tampons in addition to pads. “Nothing happens immediately in these types of institutions,” says Kolba, “so the speed with which this started to roll out, it was remarkable.” But California is home to 58 counties total, and 57 county jails (El Dorado County Jail serves both El Dorado County and Alpine County). Canny suspected that if hygiene products were being denied to female inmates in San Mateo, they were likely being denied to female inmates elsewhereâ€"and she was right. The issue is widespread across the state, with tampons only available to some women, in some jailsâ€"and even then, they’re often only accessible at a steep cost through the jails’ commissaries. “It’s predatory pricing,” Canny says of the sheriffs’ insistence on high-ticket menstruation products, “and they get to do that because they can.” Canny and her staff have since clocked hundreds of hours of their free time in an effort to ensure that female inmates have access to free tampons as well as pads. And they’re far from finishedâ€"by the end of this year, Canny plans to file a class-action lawsuit. “This is insane,” says Canny. “This is ridiculous. I can’t even believe I have to spend my time advocating for something that should just be so basic and human, but here I am. Because enough is enough.” Criminal defense attorney, Paula Canny, photographed on October 29th, 2018 oustide the Maple Street Correctional Center in Redwood City, California. Paula believes women should have the right to access tampons in all the county jails for free and is suing all of the California Jails who will not grant women free access to tampons. Photograph by Gabriela Hasbun for MONEY Paula Canny is no stranger to issues of social justice. After receiving her law degree from the University of San Francisco School of Law in 1980, she was the first attorney to gain an acquittal in a three-strikes case in the state of California. In addition to her legal work, she assists an organization that works with rural families in Nepal to help prevent their daughters from being trafficked into brothels. Her latest fight is to ensure that basic hygiene products are made available to female inmates across the state. The problem begins, Canny explains, with a two-word phrase: “and/or”. That phrase lives in Section 1265 of Title 15, a series of policies issued by the state of California’s Board of State and Community Corrections in April 2017 that set forth the minimum standards for local detention facilities. Section 1265, titled “Issue of Personal Care Items,” states that “Each female inmate shall be issued sanitary napkins and/or tampons as needed.” To Canny, that language means each inmate has the choice of which menstruation product she would prefer. But many sheriffs throughout the state interpret the phrase to mean that law enforcement has the right to decide which product to offer, and may do so at will, without explanation or exception. “It’s super punitive,” says Canny, “and it’s like, ‘I’m in charge, and I do it this way.’” Withholding options can feel like a power play: “They refuse to do the right thing just to show how powerful they are.” In practice, the sheriffs’ read of Section 1265 means that the vast majority of jails choose to issue only pads. In some county jails, tampons are available for purchase at the commissary, a shop at which inmates can purchase drugstore-type items once a week. Aside from the problem of restrictive timingâ€"“last time I checked, periods don’t wait for commissary,” says Cannyâ€"tampons are priced at exorbitantly high rates. In El Dorado County Jail, for instance, the cost per tampon breaks down to 40 ¢ each, according to Canny and her staff’s calculations. In San Mateo, prior to Canny’s phone calls, tampons were 69 ¢ each. And in Del Norte, they’re 33 ¢ apiece. By comparison, at the time of this writing, Tampax brand tampons are available on Amazon.com for 19 ¢ each. Not having access to tampons can be detrimental to a woman’s mental health as well, especially during a high-stress time filled with other, more pressing concerns. “It’s embarrassing, it’s humiliating, it’s not sanitary, it doesn’t smell nice,” says Kolba of her experience. “It actually put me in a mental state where I was not even able to discuss my case with Paula any more, because I was so involved in my basic self care.” After her initial meeting with Kolba, Canny began conducting painstaking outreach to every county jail in California. She first sent request letters for public records, demanding to see the jails’ written policies on menstruation products, including whether inmates were permitted to choose between sanitary napkins and tampons. Canny also requested to know whether inmates were charged for tampons through the commissary, and if so, how much. She then directed each sheriff’s attention to Section 1265 of Title 15, writing “I hope that the Policy that you provide to me comports” with said section. A handful of the sheriffs’ offices returned Canny’s correspondence. Some agreed to change their policy on the spot, agreeing with Canny’s read of Section 1265. But many didn’t respond at all. And still more confirmed receipt of her letter, but replied that they were standing by their policy of providing only pads. One such response came from Kings County. In a letter dated July 17, 2018, a representative for the county replied to Canny’s letter, stating that the “and/or” in Section 1265 was “clear on its face” and meant that county jails had the prerogative to choose which menstruation products to provide for free, and which to charge for in the commissary. “The Kings County Jail provides female inmates with sanitary napkins without charge,” they wrote. “This policy is in compliance with Section 1265…The Sheriff will retain his current policy.” (The Kings County sheriff’s office did not respond to a request for comment.) In Canny’s view, that’s a violation of equal protection under the Constitution; she is charging that under federal law, female inmates are required to be given their choice of menstrual product, free of charge. Additionally, she believes it’s unfair that female inmates in California are treated differently depending on where they get arrested. “It shouldn’t be that your life is a million times worse because you get in trouble in King County instead of another county,” says Canny. The sheriff’s read on Section 1265 also appears to violate the original intent of the authors of Title 15. Canny reached out to the State Board of Community Correctionsâ€"the group responsible for the policyâ€"and says they were astounded by interpretations like the one in Kings County. “People in the State Board of Community Corrections said, ‘When we wrote that, we just assumed that any reasonable person would believe that the sheriff is obligated to freely provide sanitary napkins, or [tampons], or both, at the choice of the woman,’” says Canny. As of this writing, 33 counties still had either not provided Canny with their policies, or refused to change them. In response, Canny is taking a more pointed action: She plans to file a class-action lawsuit against the counties, insisting that they change their written policy with regards to this issue. She plans to file this week, and to tell county officials that “All I want for Christmas is a tampon for female inmates.” Kolba, who was released from county and is still working with Canny on her case, says that Canny’s crusade has let female inmates know that someone cares enough about their well-being to helpâ€"and that effort goes a long way. “Knowing that people care about you, it makes a big difference,” she says. “It makes life more humane.” In Canny’s view, she’s just standing up for what she believes is right. Back in her office, a signed photograph of Muhammad Ali hangs on the wall. “I like him because he stood up for a principle,” Canny says of Ali, “and even if I don’t agree with your principle, I respect people who walk their talk.”

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Account Manager Jobs

Account Manager Jobs Fusion Worldwide is one of the leading independent distributors of electronic components in the world. With an innovative approach to servicing our customers, Fusion Worldwide has created an exciting work environment and an opportunity to achieve significant growth and compensation. In business since 2001, Fusion Worldwide targets Fortune 1000 OEM and CEM customers. Fusion Worldwide is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, with offices in Amsterdam, Singapore, and Hong Kong. ********** Position Title Account Manager, Inside Sales Reports To TBD Position Summary Establishes strong relationships with buyers and other purchasing personnel within defined account base of OEM and CEM customers to identify opportunities for buying and selling electronic components and other technology products. Must endeavor to understand how purchasing within each assigned account works. Main priority will be developing and closing deals within a prescribed account base as well as opening new target accounts and developing them into producing accounts for the company. Duties and Responsibilities The specific duties and responsibilities of the position consist of but are not limited to the following: Generate and follow-up on sales leads within account base while developing and maintaining a strong list of contacts within the supply chain in your account base. Meet or exceed profit quota on a monthly and an annual basis. Maintain call levels of 75 outbound calls per day and a minimum of 3 hours on the phone. Solicit requirements and excess from customers, offer product, negotiate, and close deals. Maintain detailed account information and records of conversations and deals in the Goldmine contact manager system. Continuously work accounts within your account base to identify and develop new contacts and avenues of business. Work with Fusion Worldwide management to develop account strategies and to set up deals on both the buy and sell side. Bring ideas on how we can improve our approach and offering set. Provide both verbal and written feedback following customer engagements. Identify and communicate trends within the high technology supply chain and the distribution arena and share these with the Fusion Worldwide team. Communicate effectively with the group to leverage existing business relationships while capitalizing on newly established relationships. Pass on leads where appropriate through the use of the Sales at Work contact manager system. Follow-up with customers to insure high customer satisfaction level. Quickly bring to the attention of Fusion Worldwide management any issues or problems. Continually generate new business opportunities Set up meetings with customers to further develop relationships and sell Fusion Worldwide. Requirements Successful candidates will possess: Demonstrated ability to develop strong business relationships and sell commodity products in a fast paced and rapidly changing environment. Minimum of 3 years proven success in sales. Superb written and verbal communication skills. Demonstrated evidence of strong analytical and creative problem solving. Bachelor’s degree. Rewards Position offers a competitive salary based on experience and proven track record and incentive plan based on performance. Incentive plan is not capped. To apply to the Account Manager position, visit Fusion Worldwide's Careers Page on LinkedIn.       Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!

How To Get A Job At A Startup - Work It Daily

How To Get A Job At A Startup - Work It Daily If you would like to work for a company like Facebook, Google, Pinterest, or Dropbox from the beginning, you must understand that you're facing an entirely new challenge. It is basically the opposite to choose to work in an established company like Nike, McDonald's or Starbucks. Startup processes are not defined. They can change quickly and are constantly updated or revised. How To Get A Job At A Startup After working for six years on our project elMejorTrato.com, I'd like to share three fundamental steps to get a job at a startup: 1. Adapt To Constant Change Simple as it may seem, this is nevertheless the most important and complex step of the process. The only constant in successful startups is change. There are no regulations, policies, or procedures defined, and even the culture of the company is going to be formed with time. If you want to work in a startup, you should demonstrate your ability to adapt to an uncertain future. For example, if it is necessary to move to another city in order to expand the startup geographically or to learn some skills to fill one or more roles at the same time, you should show the willingness and ability to do it. When a founder of an enterprise is in front of different candidates, he/she is going to choose the one that shows more flexibility instead of the one with more experience. This principle is usually the opposite of one an established company â€"with many years of experience in the marketâ€"would take into account. The reason for this is based on what a startup represents: a roller coaster with many ups and downs. The candidate who has the ability to effectively adapt to change will be the right one for the vacancy, since flexibility is valued more than experience. For example, we have one candidate with 10 years of experience programming PHP, and another candidate that has only two years of experience. The startup is deciding to change its system out for a newer one. In this situation, the second candidate will probably get the job if he/she presented himself/herself as less averse to change and should be more useful, especially if the new system is one the more experienced candidate hasn't been heavily involved with. 2. Be Proactive Another factor that you need to take into account is your attitude. If your preferred working way is following predetermined procedures, it means that you need to explain in great detail every step that you take in order to complete an activity. That is the opposite of how it would happen in a startup. At most well-run startups, everybody has the ability to be an entrepreneur. The ability to complete a task is the ultimate goal, and being able to find what you need to carry it out successfully without help is critical. The road is not written; only the end is defined. You often have to find your own path to reach the goal. The best way to demonstrate this attitude in a startup job interview is by exposing everything you have done at work or school independently. At the end of the day, what a founder looks for in a new employee is a problem solver (a person that has the ability to provide solutions on their own hands) with a proactive attitude. 3. Generate Added Value It is here where the great candidate is defined. Generating added value for employers is best accomplished by providing something that the founders do not have themselves. For example, if you apply for a job in a technological startup where the founders are programmers, then your differentiated offer should feature skills like marketing, communication, selling and designing, among others. It is not a problem to have no prior experience. Focus on your ability to adapt to what the company needs, and to develop a proactive attitude that allows you to learn what it takes to do so without excuses. In the past, we hired a designer because we take care of the programming code. While time passed, we needed an expert in online marketing, something that we were unaware of. However, the designer we hired â€"whom we admired for her perseveranceâ€"proposed to solve the problem and start taking care of it all; she is getting new customers from four different countries now. Bringing added value to a business is a huge advantage in landing a job with a startup (or many other companies for that matter). It will help get you a new job and also help you grow quickly as a professional. This advantage is definitely not going to be found in a big corporation, where jobs are already defined and your activities are fully structured, with no possibility of innovation and growth in the short term. Working at a startup may be challenging, but they can be a valuable opportunity for personal and professional growth. In every crisis, new opportunities are born and a startup is the ideal context to handle them. If you are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them (as opposed to not making any mistakes), you will get better at a much faster pace and help create solutions to problems you may not have had a hand in before. In conclusion, each of these keys can be useful when somebody is looking for a job in a startup. If you exhibit these traits in your job application, you can stand out from the other applicants and show you're the perfect candidate. Being able to live in constant change, always providing solutions, eliminating problems and delivering value that did not exist before will be your greatest ally. Good luck making the startup you work for the next big thing! Enjoy this article? You've got time for another! Check out these related articles: Is Working For A Startup Worth It? Are Startups A Fad? Act Like A Business Owner To Advance Your Career Photo Credit: Shutterstock Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!